How to write a research papers
Research Paper Topics On Personal Finance
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Boston Beer Company SWOT Analysis
The Boston Beer Company is right now the biggest specialty brew organization in the United States, be that as it may, the specialty lager industry is developing in an in any case contracting market expanding the measure of genuine rivalry that The Boston Beer Company is confronting. So as to keep steady over the business, The Boston Beer Company needs to discover new, creative methods of being the most engaging specialty brew accessible to the normal consumer.While The Boston Beer Company offers a wide range of assortments of occasional lager, they should start to move their concentration to all year strength lagers, for example, a line of local flavors dependent on their consumer’s provincial taste inclinations. Various districts over the United States have distinctive taste inclinations. American’s taste inclinations are found out and will in general be focused on the kind of food and flavors they devoured when they were developing up.Depending on the area that one ex perienced childhood in, what culture impacted the nearby cooking, and what flavors were promptly accessible to cook with, buyers will in general have changing tastes and flavor mixes. Shoppers in the New Orleans zone may incline toward a lager with all the more a Cajun-zest connotation while customers in the Southwest United States may favor a brew with even more a jalapeno or habanero zest suggestion. Organizations running from makes of potato chips to BBQ sauce advertise explicit flavors to specific districts over the United States.If the flavor does particularly well, at that point it is gradually discharged in different locales the nation over. There are various specialty brew organizations that give provincial flavors over the United States. These specialty brewers will in general be a lot littler in size than the Boston Beer Company thusly constraining the extent of their span. The Boston Beer Company as of now has built up a nearness over the United States, permitting the bre wer to arrive at a lot a bigger number of clients than their rivals. Notwithstanding, the Boston Beer Company has an assortment of flavors that are accessible in all markets.By portioning the market into various areas and concentrating on provincial inclinations, they will be better outfitted to contend with the littler, territorial contenders. By concentrating on well known local flavors, the Boston Beer Company will have the option to build their piece of the pie over the United States and contend with the littler, neighborhood specialty lager brewers on an increasingly customized level. Right now Sam Adams has a 19% portion of the general specialty lager advertise however just a 1% portion of the general brew market.By expanding the general piece of the overall industry, ideally the Boston Beer Company will have the option to build their stake in the specialty brew organization by 6%, carrying their general offer to 25% and build their essence in the general lager showcase by 4%, carrying their offer to 5%. As their pieces of the pie increment it is sensible to assume that incomes will likewise rise. Throughout the most recent few years Boston Beer Company arrived at the midpoint of an expansion in incomes of 12% every year. In the event that piece of the overall industry builds, at that point deals ought to ideally increment by 8% bringing their yearly income increment to 20% from the past year.The initial step to accomplishing these objectives is to lead a market concentrate in each assigned district (Far West, South East, Rocky Mountains, Plains, Great Lakes, South East, Mid-East and New England) concentrating on the objective segment, 21-multi year olds with a discretionary cashflow, to figure out which huge urban areas would be bound to help a nano-bottling works, a little distillery that mixes a few hundred 10 gallon bunches of lager for examining purposes, practically like a test kitchen, and be a reasonable test advertise. An outside, across the cou ntry advisor firm ought to be employed to start the territorial studies.Market studies should concentrate on current neighborhood specialty brews, number of nearby bars, and current market for new specialty lagers. Studies should start toward the start of the monetary year and ought to be finished no later than the finish of the subsequent quarter. Each territorial investigation ought not surpass $75,000. Delegates from the outside counseling firm will report their finding to a painstakingly decided board comprising of agents from the accompanying divisions: Research and Development, Sales, Distribution, Real Estate, Finance, and Operations. The council will at that point decide the urban areas with the most potential to push ahead with.Representatives from the Real Estate Department will look the zone for existing little, previously existing bottling works areas accessible to rent or lease. On the off chance that no prior areas are accessible, at that point contenders with the poss ibility to purchase out will be recognized. In a perfect world, leases will be finished paperwork for a multi year term, with the choice to broaden the rent following 5 years. All areas ought to be controlled before the finish of the second from last quarter. When the territories are distinguished, individuals from the Human Resource Department will start looking for Brew Master to run and work each of the new nano-distillery locations.These Brew Masters can be recognized from current bottling works areas or from contenders neighborhood to the new areas. Preparing on the techniques and arrangements of the Boston Beer Company ought to be quickly upon ID. Boston Beer Company should then direct provincial market studies to decide likely flavors for every particular district based off existing nearby specialty bottling works and well known territorial flavor blends. Each littler market study ought to be directed by nearby counseling firms who as of now have a comprehension of the socioe conomics and culture of the locale they are studying.These studies ought to be finished before the finish of the final quarter and ought not surpass $25,000 each. The agents of each counseling firms will meet with the current advisory group to talk about their discoveries. Innovative work will take a gander at the practicality of every potential flavor blend and start working with the Master Brewers for each nano-distillery area to start creation. After areas are resolved and nano-bottling works are working Boston Beer Company should direct a test with an example populace from our objective segment to figure out which lagers ought to be placed into production.After Master Brewers have a few test groups of lager finished an example populace of volunteers will test the lagers and give input to the Master Brewers. The overviews and trials will be directed by contracted nearby statistical surveying organizations. Expected contender for the overview and trials could be found on nearby co llege grounds and army installations, as the individuals from these gatherings will in general fall into the ideal age segment and are probably going to devour mixed refreshments in a social setting.Each study ought to have in any event 200 members, covering a wide assortment of taste inclinations and segment back grounds. Rather than fiscal remuneration, members will be paid with free brew tests and an instance of any at present existing Sam Adams lager item, along these lines eliminating costs. The statistical surveying organization will give transportation to examine members so as to protect no individual from the examination gathering will drive after utilization of liquor. Each market study ought to be close to $5,000 and be finished through the span of a period (one month).Master Brewers and 5 chose individuals from the innovative work group will at that point take the arranged input and examine the information gave. The gathering will be searching for any basic patterns, for example, brews that score high on taste and bid to choose which lager flavors to seek after and what changes, assuming any, should be made to less attractive flavors. In conclusion, Boston Beer Company should work with neighborhood bars and bars and orchestrate shared useful understandings where they can put recently made flavors on tap for three to a half year to decide the beer’s prevalence in the provincial market.If the lager flavor stays famous for a year, at that point it will be sent to the distillery in Georgia and be placed into expanded creation and offered to supermarkets and different outlets in packaged structure. Nearby deals of the flavors accessible in packaged structure will be firmly observed so as to decide generally endorsement. On the off chance that the business keep on developing for an all-inclusive timeframe, around one year, than studies will be directed in different areas to decide whether a national discharge would be profitable.Each district ought to have their own local deals group to painstakingly screen the nearby markets so as to discover key neighborhood bars and local celebrations in which the Boston Beer Company will have the option to show case their new flavors. Another basic issue looked by Boston Beer Company is keeping up the newness of the lager as is goes through the conveyance framework from the bottling works to the immediate purchasers. To keep up the lagers newness, Boston Beer should develop or gain more organization possessed bottling works all through the U. S. to adjust themselves in better geological situations so as to diminish amassing of stock for wholesalers and distributors.They ought to do as such using proficient data frameworks that give exact figures and continuous information. Boston Beer should work with the merchants on creating and coordinating such frameworks. By building and obtaining more organization claimed bottling works, Boston Beer can keep up its boss item quality and consistently give the client the freshest brew in their choice decision in any environment.The introductory expenses of growing will be balanced by rehash clients who want quality lager, which will prompt expanded incomes and a more prominent piece of the overall industry in the business. Without the extra bottling works, Boston Beer Company will keep on putting away stock for extensive stretches of time so as to stay aware of the interest for the item, however with the new distilleries, Boston Beer Company will have the option to execute to a greater degree a Just in Time way to deal with stock management.Also, with the new distilleries in better land positions Boston Beer will have the option to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Citizenship and Governance Free Essays
Each individual adds to the creation and unmaking of governments and society. While certain people don’t essentially take part in exercises which add to the interests of the general public they live in and governments which direct it, most don’t precisely add to the disadvantage of the framework and organizations which they have a place with either. In light of Aristotle’s thought of what a resident is and ought to comprise, in which he articulates that one is possibly to be recognized in that capacity on the off chance that the person possesses the limit and energy for administration; I trust it disregards other important obligations and duties an individual has and will consistently have, just as the multi-dimensional parts of humankind which need not exclusively be bound to the example of keeping to injuries and to open administration. We will compose a custom article test on Citizenship and Governance or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now I accept that as a working spouse and mother, I maintain whatever authority is needed to be managed the term â€Å"citizen;†as do each parent who needs to shuffle household and familial obligations with profession and paid work. The majority of vital duties and commitments which fall on individuals, for example, myself limits me from finding the time or ability to take part in issues concerning national administration, yet that shouldn’t deny me of being recognized as a resident of this nation. The fundamental obligations and commitments I may need to society and to government is essentially satisfied in caring for my youngsters, and guaranteeing that they grow up to be capable residents and people such as myself; and by taking an interest in the work power or work framework, I don’t accept my exertion misses the mark regarding what is to be commonly expected of any and each person in this nation. At last, there’s more than one interesting point with regards to in regards to and recognizing an individual’s evident â€Å"citizenship†and importance to their nation; and it isn't, and ought not be kept exclusively to one’s inclusion in open administration. Step by step instructions to refer to Citizenship and Governance, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Genderqueer Persuasive Essay Topics
Genderqueer Persuasive Essay TopicsThe first rule to consider when writing a persuasive essay is to choose genderqueer persuasive essay topics. Genderqueer people are people who identify as neither male nor female, but as intersex or transgender. Because these people have more in common with each other than with the binary gender binary, the use of genderqueer persuasive essay topics will be less confusing for the reader.Transgender people can also be persuasive essay topics. This includes both biological men and women who identify as transgender and biological men and women who identify as trans. Transgendered people, if they are part of the binary gender system, should not be the topic of the essay. Transgender people should be discussed by themselves and as an important component of their lives, however.Another persuasive essay topic that can be used for genderqueer people is bisexuality. Many people, especially young adults, still don't understand the concept of same-sex attracti on. Therefore, using the concept of bisexuality can help clarify the point.It can also be used to show that not all cisgender people are simply asexual. Bisexuality is a sexual orientation that can be experienced by both men and women, although it may be more common in women. If this is the case, then it would be appropriate to state that some cisgender people are experiencing same-sex attraction.Some transgender people are intersex and some trans men and women are intersex. Intersex people often identify as transgender, however, so using the concept of intersex can also be a positive. However, the key idea is to use it in combination with the concepts of transgender and intersex to create a persuasive essay topic.It can also be useful to state that somecisgender people are gay. This will be used as a way to contrast that with the experiences of the people on either side of the trans/gay/lesbian divide. It can also be used to say that there are transgender men and women who are gay or lesbian. This is considered controversial and may be frowned upon in some circles, but it is necessary to state that some transgender people identify as gay or lesbian.Finally, it is helpful to note that some trans men and women are straight. This contrasts with the views of some cisgender men and women, who might identify as gay or lesbian and some trans men and women who are straight. This is a useful and accurate point to make in order to create a convincing argument against the idea that gay and lesbian cisgender people have a privileged position over trans or transgendered people.To summarize, using genderqueer persuasive essay topics can be helpful. By using the concepts of transgender and intersex, you can add your voice to the different communities that are currently struggling to make sense of their identities.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Multiracial Students - 1044 Words
Multiracial Students At first glance, freshman Angela Corbett’s room might seem a bit bewildering. On one wall sits a Black Panthers poster, on the other, a Nicaraguan flag, and glimpsing around, one might even see a stuffed leprechaun. During lunch, she might be found enjoying some soul food, or eating a meal from south of the border. Around her could also be people from various cultural backgrounds, who she has no problem calling her friends. As perplexing as it seems, this is not an example of an identity crisis, but merely a reflection of the various cultures that can lie within one individual. â€Å"I love the fact that I’m of mixed heritage,†Corbett said. â€Å"I feel like I can relate to so many people, and not have to care about†¦show more content†¦The MOSAIC Multicultural Center exists to nurture the cultural variety that lies throughout the campus. Its colorful room on the upper level of the Student Union is filled with comfortable couches and serves as a place for students to congregate and discuss culture in an open and relaxed environment. â€Å"Most of the issues that our programs deal with touch on specific issues of diversity,†Megan Anderson, MOSAIC’s administrative support coordinator said. Although Rooks is skeptical about what constitutes true equality, he said he does agree to a certain extent that multiracials challenge constructed racial concepts in the eye of the beholder. According to Rooks, if a multiracial person can influence the mind of another person because they share a similar background, it may eventually open that person to the possibility of being more accepting to other races. â€Å"If implemented correctly, the multiracial can possess the potential to shape opinions on an individual level,†he said. Engineering major Ethan Hernandez, who is of Latino and Caucasian descent, is hard to miss when walking through campus. His red hair and dark eyes are a reflection of his mixed ethnicities. Hernandez believes his background has helped him become more accepting of other ethnicities. â€Å"Diversity breeds tolerance,†he said. â€Å"I think my background lets me see more easily through racialShow MoreRelatedMultiracial Families : Multiracial People1174 Words  | 5 PagesCompared to Single race individuals, multiracial people have a wider variety of ways to define their ethnic identity. For example, a multiracial person who has two or more races could choose to identify exclusively as one race, or identify with both groups. Another option would be to go beyond the standard individual race options and identify as â€Å"multiracial†a category that defines ethnic characteristics in terms of the shared experiences of people who are multiracial, as distinct from individu al raceRead MoreBarack Obama s Presidential Run1314 Words  | 6 Pagespinnacle of Barack Obama’s presidential run. This video, entitles Being Multiracial in America, featured a group of young, mixed-race College students elated that the United States would potentially elect a man that grew up in a blended culture comparable to their own. There was this conspicuous desire shared among these students to live in a society understanding of the intricacies of one’s racial identity. None of these students wished to identify themselves as only one of their races. They wantedRead MoreHow Interracial Marriage Affects Children2853 Words  | 12 Pagesof history of homogeneous population, interracial marriages occur. What is the interracial marriage? It means marriage between different races that is a form of exogamy. The term of interracial marriage is synonymous with interethnic marriage, multiracial marriage, multiethnic marriage, and mixed marriage. I am using the term â€Å"interracial marriage†in this research paper. In recent years, the number of interracial marriages has gone up. According to the Census Bureau’s research in 2005, about twoRead MoreThe Media As A System Of Racialization : Exploring Images Of African American Women And The New Racism2012 Words  | 9 Pagesare headed in the future. Article 48 titled â€Å"Redrawing the Color Line? The Problems and Possibilities of Multiracial Families and Group Making†by Kimberly gave me a different take on the idea that our country will no longer be divided according to grouping people based on racial and ethnical groups due to multiculturalism. Over the years, our nation is increasingly becoming more multiracial. As people are mingling with other cultures, there is significantly a huge increase in diversity. Even withRead MoreInterracial Marriages And The United States1043 Words  | 5 Pagesit comes to the institution of marriage. According to various studies, over the year’s interracial relationships has become more acceptable in society. For instance, there was a study conducted on college students at East Carolina University. It revealed that the current generation of students is very accepting of and more likely to become involved in interracial relationships (Knox). Even though it has started to become socially acceptable, interracial couples continue to face discrimination fromRead MoreShould You Be Judge For Being Born As A Multiracial And Biracial Individual?933 Words  | 4 Pages Should you be judge for being born as a multiracial and biracial individual? which background do you represent the most, if you’re White, Asian, Latino/Latina, African american. Which side would you choose? if you are a mix child, why can’t you be proud of both or even the other ethnicity background that you have? Those were the questions that I’ve had while reading through the article of Susan Saulny on the topic of being a mix child. I am Dominican and Puerto Rican with some Spaniard in as wellRead MoreThe Harmonious Multi-Racial Country1031 Words  | 5 Pagesas the integrity of the nation state . Strictly speaking, the attitude of the individual plays the most important role to maintain the harmony and prosperity of a plural society in Malaysia today. In addition, the school also has acted as a multiracial society living in our country in order to live in peace and harmony. The school must provide activities that involve community NATURE various social and ethnic groups. Next, the school also should encourage the application of the traditional dressRead MoreA Nation Imprisoned by Race: An Analysis of Interracial Relationships2517 Words  | 11 Pagesand cause complications for those expected to be in a more conventional relationship (Richeson). Other reasons include the loss of reputation and status and discrimination in the economic world. Opposers argue that dating leads to marriage and multiracial children should not be created because they are biologically inferior and will consequently face discrimination too (Barnett). Black women represent the strongest opposition to interdating, partially as a result of sexual exploitation by White menRead MoreBlack And Latino By Roberto Santiago857 Words  | 4 PagesMultiracial chi ldren are becoming more common in today’s society, many years ago multiracial children were judged for having more than one culture and feeling excluded out from others. Times have changed and according to a recent study from Pew Research Center, about 60% of mixed adults are proud of their different cultures. This statistic perfectly fits the author Roberto Santiago who wrote â€Å"Black and Latino†. On the other hand around 55% feel subjected by racial slurs from non mixed peopleRead More Colorblind Love Essay2639 Words  | 11 Pageschildren, and concerns about their children’s best interests may be impeding the spread of interracial marriages. However, as interracial marriages continue to grow, so do the number of multiracial children. I believe that my daughter’s generation will be far more accepting of interracial relations and multiracial children, in large part, because they will be so prevalent. As you may suspect, socioeconomics and housing segregation also play a major role in the paucity of interracial marriages
Friday, May 15, 2020
Definition and Discussion of Middle English
Middle English was the language spoken in England from about 1100 to 1500. Five major dialects of Middle English have been identified (Northern, East Midlands, West Midlands, Southern, and Kentish), but the research of Angus McIntosh and others... supports the claim that this period of the language was rich in dialect diversity (Barbara A. Fennell, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach, 2001). Major literary works written in Middle English include Havelok the Dane, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Piers Plowman, and Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales. The form of Middle English thats most familiar to modern readers is the London dialect, which was the dialect of Chaucer and the basis of what would eventually become standard English. Examples and Observations Chaucers Canterbury TalesWhan that Aprill, with his shoures sooteThe droghte of March hath perced to the rooteAnd bathed every veyne in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flour...[When the sweet showers of April have piercedThe drought of March, and pierced it to the rootAnd every vein is bathed in that moistureWhose quickening force will engender the flower...](Geoffrey Chaucer, General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, late 14th century. Translation by David Wright. Oxford University Press, 2008)Many Middle EnglishesMiddle English varied enormously over time and by region; Angus McIntosh notes that there are over a thousand dialectically differentiated varieties of Middle English. Indeed, some scholars go so far as to say that Middle English is not... a language at all but rather something of a scholarly fiction, an amalgam of forms and sounds, writers and manuscripts, famous works and little-known ephemera. This is a little extreme, but certainly prior to the later fo urteenth century Middle English was primarily a spoken rather than a written language, and did not have official administrative functions in either a secular or religious context. This has resulted in a critical tendency to place English at the bottom of the linguistic hierarchy of medieval England, with Latin and French as the dominant languages of discourse, instead of seeing the symbiotic relationship between English, French, and Latin...By the fifteenth century Middle English was extensively used in the written documentation of business, civic government, Parliament, and the royal household.(Rachel E. Moss, Fatherhood and Its Representations in Middle English Texts. D.S. Brewer, 2013)The Vocabulary of Middle English- In 1066, William the Conqueror led the Norman invasion of England, marking the beginning of the Middle English period. This invasion brought a major influence to English from Latin and French. As is often the case with invasions, the conquerors domina ted the major political and economic life in England. While this invasion had some influence on English grammar, the most powerful impact was on vocabulary.(Evelyn Rothstein and Andrew S. Rothstein, English Grammar Instruction That Works! Corwin, 2009)- The core vocabulary of [Middle] English comprised the monosyllabic words for basic concepts, bodily functions, and body parts inherited from Old English and shared with the other Germanic languages. These words include: God, man, tin, iron, life, death, limb, nose, ear, foot, mother, father, brother, earth, sea, horse, cow, lamb.Words from French are often polysyllabic terms for the institutions of the Conquest (church, administration, law), for things imported with the Conquest (castles, courts, prisons), and terms of high culture and social status (cuisine, fashion, literature, art, decoration).(Seth Lerer, Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language. Columbia University Press, 2007)French Influence on M iddle English- From 1150 to 1500 the language is known as Middle English. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down during the end of the Old English period, become greatly reduced...By making English the language mainly of uneducated people, the Norman Conquest [in 1066] made it easier for grammatical changes to go forward unchecked.French influence is much more direct and observable upon the vocabulary. Where two languages exist side by side for a long time and the relations between the people speaking them are as intimate as they were in England, a considerable transference of words from one language to the other is inevitable...When we study the French words appearing in English before 1250, roughly 900 in number, we find that many of them were such as the lower classes would become familiar with through contact with a French-speaking nobility: (baron, noble, dame, servant, messenger, feast, minstrel, juggler, largess)... In the period after 1250,... the upper classes carried over into English an astonishing number of common French words. In changing from French to English, they transferred much of their governmental and administrative vocabulary, their ecclesiastical, legal, and military terms, their familiar words of fashion, food, and social life, the vocabulary of art, learning, and medicine.(A. C. Baugh and T. Cable, A History of the English Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978)- French continued to occupy a prestigious place in English society, especially the Central French dialect spoken in Paris. This prompted an increase in the numbers of French words borrowed, especially those relating to French society and culture. As a consequence, English words concerned with scholarship, fashion, the arts, and food--such as college, robe, verse, beef--are often drawn from French (even if their ultimate origins lie in Latin). The higher status of French in this [late Middle English] period continues to influence the associations of pairs of synonyms in Modern English, such as begin-commence, look-regard, stench-odour. In each of these pairs, the French borrowing is of a higher register than the word inherited from Old English.(Simon Horobin, How English Became English. Oxford University Press, 2016)A Fuzzy Boundary[T]he transition from Middle to early modern English is above all the period of the elaboration of the English language. Between the late 14th and 16th centuries, the English language began increasingly to take on more functions. These changes in function had, it is argued here, a major effect on the form of English: so major, indeed, that the old distinction between Middle and modern retains considerable validity, although the boundary between these two linguistic epochs was obviously a fuzzy one.(Jeremy J. Smith, From Middle to Early Modern English. The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford University Press, 2006)Chaucer on Changes in the Forme of SpeecheYe knowe ek that in forme o f speeche is chaungeWithinne a thousand yeer, and wordes thoThat hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straungeUs thinketh hem, and yet thei spake hem so,And spedde as wel in love as men now do;Ek for to wynnen love in sondry ages,In sondry londes, sondry ben usages.[You know also that in (the) form of speech (there) is changeWithin a thousand years, and words thenThat had value, now wonderfully curious and strange(To) us they seem, and yet they spoke them so,And succeeded as well in love as men now do;Also to win love in sundry ages,In sundry lands, (there) are many usages.](Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, late 14th century. Translation by Roger Lass in Phonology and Morphology. A History of the English Language, edited by Richard M. Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement - 2959 Words
For centuries, there have been ongoing cases of racism and discrimination against blacks in America, not only in the workplace, but also in the criminal justice system, the government, housing, and countless other establishments. One cannot describe America without slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and other racially motivated movements. Race (and racism, unfortunately) is what makes America, America. For this essay, I will be exploring the question: Is there still a racial issue in America, predominantly, against blacks? Also, I will be exploring if stereotypes are related to racial profiling, if the media affects racism, and if racism is still present in the 21st century, in particularly, since President Barack Obama got elected as the United States first black president in 2008. This topic’s inspiration came about after reading Sojourner Truth’s speech â€Å"Ain’t I a Woman?†and after watching the famous, or at times, infamous Fox News program, Bill O’Riley. On this particular program, O’Riley and Martin Luther King III were discussing the situation in Ferguson, Missouri after the police officer that had shot and killed Michael Brown did not get charged with murder. O’Riley stated that blacks should ‘sit down’ and wear â€Å"Don’t Get Pregnant at 14†t-shirts in order for black relations/issues to get better. This topic is relevant because, as stated before, race and racism is what makes America and it is something that needs to be changed for us, as a country, to move forwardShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement1065 Words  | 5 PagesWhen thinking about racism, it feels like it is a thing of the past, but it’s not. There are numerous people who are racist in law enforcement and that is demonstrated through racial profiling. Racial profiling still exists today and unfortunately happens frequently. In 2013, an unarmed black male, Trayvon Martin, is shot and killed by an officer. In 2014, Michael Brown, who is also a black male is shot and killed by another officer. Also, many black and Hispanic people are racially profiled andRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement993 Words  | 4 Pagesincreasingly improved after the civil rights movement, racism still occurs today. Discrimination and racism toward Blacks was considered normal after the Civil War and before the civil rights movement. Many white people could openly abuse black people in the streets and no one would care. Racism and discrimination only happens at a mid extent today, which is not as often as a when Richard lived. Richard Wright was born after the Civil War, but before the Civil Rights Movement. If he were to write an autobiographyRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement1239 Words  | 5 PagesGiselle Cordero PSCI 246: Social Movements Outline Topic/Question: Have Black Lives Mattered? – Racial profiling in the justice system, increased incarceration of African Americans and the idea of â€Å"White Privilege†persists in the United States. 1. Introduction Even though America is the world dominating superpower and is known to intervene on behalf of the violation of human rights internationally, it fails to acknowledge and correct the flaws its legal and justice system present against itsRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement1439 Words  | 6 PagesJustice, racial profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Any definition of racial profiling must include, in addition to racially or ethnically discriminatory acts, discriminatory omissions on the part of law enforcement as well. For example, during the eras of lynching in the South in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the civil rightsRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement851 Words  | 4 Pagesas joblessness, racism, racial profiling, etc. This rally was in support of other nationali ties, most of which, I have no personal connection to. I arrived at Walker Mill Baptist Church feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive. There were more than one hundred persons at the church and I was quite mesmerized at the number of African Americans willing to travel to New York and stand in solidarity with other nationalities concerning freedom of religion and other human rights atrocities. However, euphoriaRead MoreRacial Profiling And The Civil Rights Movement918 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica has come a long way since the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. Prejudice, discrimination, racism, and violence have decreased since then, but it is still very present in the 21st century. There have been numerous cases from Trayvon Martin, to Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, and many more lives that were lost in these last few years. Being mindful of who they’re around and what they’re doing is something that African Americans always think about, because the last thing they wan t is to be oneRead MorePolice Brutality Of African Americans1405 Words  | 6 Pagesthe United States. The August 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri many Americans, some who are former Civil Rights activists, have spoken out against police brutality. Black Lives Matter states that the movement’s goal is to bring justice to the present unjust police killings of African Americans. Looking at prior cases of brutality and its connection to racial profiling, such as the police shooting of Ronald Stokes in 1962, has led many activists in America to connect these past issuesRead MoreMyths and Stereotypes909 Words  | 4 PagesMyth and Stereotypes: Racial Profiling Wendy Horton Kaplan University A stereotype is an exaggerated belief about a group that can be positive or negative but generalizes without allowing for differences (Louisiana Voices, 1999-2003). One example of a stereotype would be racial profiling. Racial profiling is an inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered more likely to commit a particular type of crime or an illegal act or to behave in a â€Å"predictable†Read MoreCivil Rights For African Americans1001 Words  | 5 PagesCivil Rights for African Americans Marciano Castillo Government 3P May 5, 2015 For centuries African Americans have been treated differently because of the color of their skin. They’ve been slaves, segregated, and discriminated, and been forced to fight for equality. Till this day African Americans are discriminated but yet have accomplished a lot from changing laws to changing the way they are viewed. The first slaves arrived in Virginia around the 1600’s and was the jumpstart to whatRead MoreThroughout history, racial profiling has become a prevalent issue within humanity. From slavery,1400 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, racial profiling has become a prevalent issue within humanity. From slavery, segregation, and to world wars, furthermore ongoing issues of terrorism, these examples have led to the profound effects of racial profiling. Racial Profiling can be defined as the action of law enforcers and society, which specifically targets people based on race, ethnicity, religion or national origin and not by actual behavior. Although, many people may believe that racial profiling is non-existent,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Life Cycle Management Analysis for Apple’s Ipod free essay sample
The Apple iPod allows consumers to download music, videos, and various other entertainment items. The iPod can be seen everywhere from the gym to the local coffee shops. Even automakers have started to install iPod outlets in newer vehicles to draw a new kind of consumers to their autos. This report will provide some insight into Apple’s product objectives, marketing strategies, introduction phase, product growth, maturity stage, and decline of product in the market place. Product life cycle typically consists of five main aspects: (1) product development; (2) introduction; (3) growth; (4) maturity; and (5) decline. Various marketing objectives that will help the company achieve the overall product goal are as follows: ? Be the leading supplier of MP3 players in all markets in which Apple competes. ? Increase product sales. ? Increase company revenue. ? Increase brand awareness. ? Expand distribution to department stores. ? Develop a campaign to encourage current users to increase current use of product. Life Cycle Management – Page 3 During the introduction stage, Apple made careful choices with their marketing strategies by paying close attention to pricing, promotional and placement decisions. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Cycle Management Analysis for Apple’s Ipod or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The introduction of the iPod transformed Apple into an entertainment giant. Apple’s approach to introducing the iPod to consumers was geared more towards young adults. The iPod was introduced in October 2001, the iPod touted a quicker transfer time, it is easy to use, has a unique look, and is fashionable. The growth stage in the product life cycle will usually involve a rapid growth in sales. Consumer’s awareness of Apple’s iPod increases during the holiday season it was on just about everyone’s wish list. Since the first iPod hit the market in 2001, Apple has invested in new product features and has developed the next generation of iPods. Before the introduction of the new generation iPods, Apple decreased the price of the original iPod pre holiday season. By doing, this Apple made an iPod available to suit everyone’s budget. The maturity stage in the product life cycle usually marks the turning point for a product. Sales will decrease during this stage of the cycle. Apple has sold over 140 million iPods. The modifications that Apple continues to add to the iPod line should continue to boost the demand for this product. The introduction of the iPod touch helped to support demand for this product. The iPod touch helped reverse slowing sales. This was a positive sign for Apple in light of the product slowdown. Apple’s iPod sales have mirrored the product life cycle. Life Cycle Management – Page 4 In January 2009, Apple announced financial results for its fiscal 2009 first quarter earnings. The company posted record revenue of $10. 17 billion in profits. Sales from Apple’s iPod contributed 33% to this record earnings profit. When iPod was first launched, it was geared towards young adults ages 12 to 25. The iPod has changed and seems to be gravitating towards mainstream due to market saturation. Consumers today are media savvy and with a click of a mouse, they are able to obtain product information, and reviews be it good or bad in seconds. A few things could lead to further product decline in the market place. New competitors enter the market placed all the time and usually with a comparable product at a lower cost. There have been tough laws placed on internet downloads for MP3 players like the iPod, these laws have had an effect on iPod + iTunes. Another factor is today’s economy, consumers are watching their money, they are comparison shopping and Apple’s iPod high price could be the deciding factor on their purchase. Apple has created a popular product, as well as a strong product awareness marketing strategy, which gives them the advantage over competitors. The company has been successful thus far with branding strategies, marketing, and product development. Apple will need to continue to using the right media outlets with current and new products. Life Cycle Management – Page 5 To help decrease product decline Apple will need to readjust some of their marketing strategies to meet the budget minded consumers in today’s economy. As well, as continue to improve public relations and image. The company will also need to gain and keep the competitive edge by continuing to create new innovative features, which will differentiate the iPod from the competitor’s product. For example if Apple were to create a cordless earpiece for the iPod line using new technology, they would be opening up a completely new market. Overall, Apple’s iPod has become a must have and a mainstay to many consumers. As long as the company is able to continue to stay on top of the competitive market, the iPod will be around for a while.
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